The practice of Green Tara is known to help us overcome fear & anxiety and eliminates suffering of all kinds. Tsechen Chokhor Ling will host a series of group practices for everyone (who attends the initiation) to practice the Green Tara sadhana together. The English sadhana of Green Tara will be presented on the shared screen during the practice.
Dates: 4/2, 4/30 (Tuesdays)
Time: 7 pm PT
Please email for the Zoom link to join.
Everyone is welcome to join us to read and share experiences and insights together in a virtual weekly meetup.
In this book, Mingyur Rinpoche addresses the timely and timeless problem of anxiety in our everyday lives. “From the 2,500-year-old perspective of Buddhism,” Yongey Mingyur writes, “every chapter in human history could be described as an ‘age of anxiety.’ The anxiety we feel now has been part of the human condition for centuries.” So what do we do? Escape or succumb? Both routes inevitably lead to more complications and problems in our lives. “Buddhism,” he says, “offers a third option. We can look directly at the disturbing emotions and other problems we experience in our lives as stepping-stones to freedom. Instead of rejecting them or surrendering to them, we can befriend them, working through them to reach an enduring authentic experience of our inherent wisdom, confidence, clarity, and joy.”
Every Thursday (except 2/8)
Time: 7pm – 8pm PT
To find this book on Amazon (book content will also be presented on the shared screen)
Please email for the Zoom link to join.
with Khenpo Thupten Gongphel & Kunga Tamang
co-hosted with Minnesota Sakya Center
「度母四曼達儀軌」的修持 ,特別是仰賴供曼達的修行,可以幫助我們累積資量、淨除罪障、斷除我執、煩惱、圓滿世間法、祛除病魔惡緣、不順遂等惡事。通過度母的慈悲攝受,我們能更快速地可消除我們身語意之業障,獲得入世與出世的圓滿成就。
4/14 (Sunday 週日)
10 AM / 早上10點
Please email for the Zoom link to join.
Your generosity will support Tsechen Chokhor Ling’s Dharma activities and help spread Dharma around the world.